6 of the best dog books: What Dogs Want, An Illustrated Guide for Happy Dog Care and Training
When I was a kid, one of my favorite books to read was an old, beat-up copy of “A Dog Named Penny,” a children’s novel from the 1950s that one seller of old books on Amazon summarizes somewhat hilariously as “a heart-warming story of two children and a stolen collie dog.” As soon as I’d get to the last page of the book I’d cry a bit—because, like many good dog stories, this one was a tearjerker, where Penny ultimately had to choose between the children and her original owner. Then I’d immediately flip to the first page and start over again. And then again. And then again.

Even as a kid, I already knew two things: books are good, but if you throw in a story about a dog, well, now that’s taking a good thing and making it amazing. “A Dog Named Penny” is regrettably long out-of-print, but there are plenty of other modern books about dogs you can lay your paws, er, hands, on.
Dog Books, 6 Books
I wish it were true that, like the saying, “All dogs are good dogs,” all dog books are good dog books. While there are a ton of very good books written about dogs, there are some that stand out. Here are my top five dog books of all time.
Caring For A Healthy Dog
This ebook on “Perfect handbook for imperfect dog owners” emphasizes the pet owner to offer good care to his or her pet and also gives solutions for unresolved problems.

Dog Care Duty
Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At taking Care Of Your Dog. This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The World When It Comes To What Is Needed To Take Care Of Your Best Friend.

Dog Training Basics
Are you looking for the quick and easy ways to train your dog to follow whatever you asked him/her to? or maybe you are just sick and tired of your dog behavioral problems and misbehaved without listen to what you are commanding them to follow, then this will be the most important letter you’ll ever read for today! If so, are you dreaming of owning a dog that’s well behaved, obedient and protective?

How To Build A Dog House
Providing Comfort for Your Outdoorsy Dog. There’s no question that everybody needs a place of his/her own, and canines are not any exception. The value of your dog having a comfy quality dog house can’t be overestimated. Defense against weather and elements assist to prolong and boost the quality of life for outdoor dogs.

The Dog Owner’s Handbook
There are over a hundred registered breeds of dogs. Recognizing the type of the dog is basically associated with its breed. A purebred animal belongs to a documented and acknowledged group of unmixed lineage. Before a breed of dog is recognized, it must be proven that mating two adult dogs of the sametype would have passed on their exact characteristics, both appearance and behavior, to their offspring.

Training Small Mammals
Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Training Pets. This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The World When It Comes To All The Info You Need To Train Small Mammals. This Book Below Will Show You Exactly What What You Need To Do To Finally Be A Success With Small Pet Training.