Cast into a sea of knowledge with these top fishing books, chosen for their recurring mention among the most trusted angling publications and blogs.

Aquarium Fish Care
A freshwater aquarium is easier for most to maintain because it is easier to keep clean. A saltwater aquarium will be harder to clean but it will be able to be stocked with a larger amount of variety in the fish and creatures that you can put into it.

How To Breed Tropical Fish
Anyone who wants to breed Aquarium fish successfully has to know the requirements of the fish in question. Plus you have to create appropriate environmental conditions, in either the maintenance tank or a special breeding tank.
Keeping Fish
Have you always wanted to set aside a section of your home where you can retreat and enjoy endless tranquil moments in front of your very own aquarium? Before you embark on creating your own fish environment, there are some essential processes that you’ll need to know to ensure a healthy and stable environment for your fish.
Tropical Fish
Whether your planning on starting a freshwater fish tank or a saltwater aquarium, it goes without saying that it will be much more rewarding in the long run to do things right, right out of the box.

Tropical Fish Care Guide
Home aquariums are becoming more and more popular, it is a hobby that many people are flocking too and fish shops are on the rise. Fish are generally easy to keep although do they need quite a bit of attention.
Betta Fish
This is not another general fish hobby ebook you come across often. This ebook has valuable information that comes from years of research by many experience experts around the world who share the same interest you and me have….. Betta Fishes.